It's official. Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer will be moving their fantasy romance into 2011, CBS Films confirms to JustJaredJr.com. .
Juli 2010 geplant, aber CBS Films verschiebt die Kinopremiere von Beastly . Poster zu Beastly vanessa hudgens cbs films in die H�nde bekommen, der kommende Fantasy- Film mit Alex Pettyfer, Vanessa Hudgens .
Vanessa Hudgens at the Premiere Of
CBS Films
Vanessa Hudgens (Vanessa Hudgens)'s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment . She can be seen in
Once upon at time, CBS Films went into production on the second picture in their short history, "Beastly." The modern day take on the classic "Beauty and the Beast" fable .
. aber die Handlung in das heutige New York City Die Hauptrollen werden von Vanessa Hudgens und . Amy Baer von CBS Films dr�ckte ihre Begeisterung �ber die Verpflichtung von Barnz .
Juli 2010 �ber CBS Films in den Us-Kinos. Neben Alex Pettyfer wird unter anderem noch der High School Musical Star Vanessa Hudgens, die demn�chst noch im Musikfilm Bandslam zu sehen .
Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens in 'Beastly' � CBS Films. It's a tale as old as time, so says one version of the classic Beauty .
CBS Films plante f�r sein Horrordrama Beastly mit Vanessa Hudgens bislang einen US-Kinostart am 30. Juli. Doch dort w�re der Film gegen Charlie St. Cloud gelaufen, den neuen Film .
Vanessa-Hudgens-Beastly-Movie. CBS Films will be working with Vanessa "High School Musical's" Vanessa Hudgens is set to star in "Beastly. Vanessa Hudgens will star .
Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Hudgens
vanessa hudgens cbs films
in 'Beastly' � CBS Films. Beastly is the absolute wrong choice of a name for a film as flawed as .
Pictures of Vanessa Hudgens and Alex Pettyfer from CBS Films' Beastly, in theaters July 30.
The Biggest Vanessa Hudgens fansite updated daily to bring VFans closer to Vanessa Hudgens . Beastly (CBS Films) Role: Lindy Release: Release
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